Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 2011!!


Original unretouched photo by Luminous Vue: Oregon Coast Sunset.


Whew! 2010 flew by!! At that rate, we should be getting ready for 2012!!

But how about some great ways to start off 2011?

We have year-round organic gardening tips from Maine's "Organic Gardening Guru," Eliot Coleman, quote:

Coleman segued to the heart of his story: He told us that he turned part of his 40 acres of rocky, woody land, with an initial soil pH of 4.3, in the harsh conditions of Maine, into a 1½ acre farm that yields $120,000 worth of produce a year. "Of course organic farming can feed the world," Coleman said. The audience was dumbstruck; it was almost as if Coleman was responding to that feeling in the room when he said, "The word 'impossible' scares people off of things that if they tried, they'd realize weren't so impossible."

*Click here for the article:*

Also, more research is proving that how much we age can be affected by mind over matter, quote:

Those who think and dress in a youthful way are healthier than those who act their age, according to research.

Mind over matter, it seems, can improve everything from blood pressure to arthritis and eyesight.

Even the development of heart disease and cancer may, at least to a degree, be staved off by refusing to grow old gracefully.

The intriguing claims come from researchers at Harvard University, who reviewed a series of studies into how the mind influences the body.

To Read More, Click Here:


Anamaya's Infinity Pool...

And, a tantalizing resort on the gorgeous cliffs of Costa Rica, that features organic food, surfing & yoga retreats, and more...!!

The ongoing slideshow at the top of the homepage is really quite amazing and spectacular, like a dreamy virtual vacation...!!

*Click Here:*


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